A useful thing to know – whether it’s critical as part of a project, or simply as a Ham Radio factoid – just how much power can different types of coax handle? The popular types, RG-58 and RG-213 are listed below along with a couple of others for reference. I found myself looking at various sites for this information, so thought that a simplified version on my site would be useful.
The LDF, aka: Andrew Heliax, is the thick stuff and used in broadcast and VHF/UHF. RG-316 and RG-142 are PTFE and useful in high power baluns and internal amplifier hook-ups as their sizes are 3mm and 5mm respectively. In most cases, RG-58 (HF or short patch-leads) and RG-213 are perfectly adequate unless you’re running silly watts – these ratings also assume a decent match at the other end 🙂
The rating of balanced feeders, depending upon which emporium you visit, seems to vary. 300-ohm slotted feeder is typically rated at 400-watts (Radioworld) although Nevada seem to offer the same product at a 1kW rating. 450-ohm ladder-line (so say Radioworld) “will handle 1kW with ease”.